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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Why M^4 is unique, M^4 IS UNIQUE CHOICE because M^4 allows number theore- tical interpretation as hyper- quaternionic space, The boundary of light- cone of M^4 is metri- cally2-dimensional (one direction is light- like) so that the huge conformal and symplectic symmetries of 2-D complex spaces generalize making possible the construction of quantum TGD, M^4 IS UNIQUE CHOICE because M^4 is the unique 4-D space with Minkowskian signature of metric allowing twistor space (having also Kaehler structure), M^4 IS UNIQUE CHOICE because The isometries of M^4 code for classical conserved charges: 4-momentum and angular momentum, M^4 IS UNIQUE CHOICE because The boundary of light- cone of M^4 is metri- cally2-dimensional (one direction is light- like), The boundary of light- cone of M^4 is metri- cally2-dimensional (one direction is light- like) so that the huge conformal and symplectic symmetries of 2-D complex spaces generalize making possible the construction of quantum TGD